Cannot get DNLA to work on blackberry Classis phone

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Cannot get DNLA to work on blackberry Classis phone

Post by huddslad1 » Wed Jul 19, 2017 8:02 am

Hello everyone I have a blackberry classic phone BB!0 OS with Neutron player installed, the phone has the latest
Blackberry OS. when I selct (output to) option and click the (connect to first found button)
it fails to find the Air stream device. when I use blackberry own media player on the phone
to cast to the Airstream deveice this works fine. But the Neutron player will not detect
the deice and stream to it. Does anyone know how to get DNLA working on the Blackberry.

Also how do I set the Neutron player to the default player on the blackberry classic BB10, the Native media
player always seems to be the default when I try to connect to bluetooth in the car and is launched when
the car stereo and phone are paired together.. This makes using Neutron player hopeless for blutooth audio streaming.


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